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14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Sentencing and expulsion in case concerning assault on prison officer

T sentenced to a consecutive prison sentence of three years and six months and expelled with a permanent entry ban for assault on a prison officer, drug of...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Adoption without consent

The State Administration’s decisions to release a child for adoption and then to grant adoption to a foster family were valid

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Change of pension regulations

Multidisciplinary pension fund entitled to change labour market pension scheme

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Violation of reporting restrictions

T fined DKK 25,000 for having disclosed the name of the suspect in a case subject to reporting restrictions in 10 facebook posts

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Refusal of family reunification

Refusal of family reunification not in contravention of the European Human Rights Convention

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Exclusion order

Conditions for issuing exclusion order met

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Violation of entry and residence ban

T sentenced to six months in prison for violation of entry and residence ban in Syria

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Aiding in suicide

T found guilty of two counts of violation of Section 240 of the Danish Penal Code on aiding in suicide and one count of attempted aiding in suicide. Senten...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Compensation for body searches

A awarded compensation for a number of unjustified body searches over a period of 18 months when he was admitted to a forensic psychiatry unit

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Sentencing and expulsion of a minor in case of assault involving a knife

A serious and unmotivated assault against a 14-year-old committed by T and several others, where T, among other things, stabbed the victim three times, led...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Setting aside of District Court judgment in Pusher Street case

District Court judgment in Pusher Street case not set aside and case not remitted for reconsideration by the District Court

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion for assisting in illegal entry into Denmark

Not contrary to Denmark’s international obligations to expel an alien, a minor at the time of the crime, for assisting in illegal entry into Denmark