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20 sep 2023

Decided Case


Expulsion of Afghan citizen without any ties to the recipient country

Afghan citizen without any ties to the recipient country expelled with six-year entry ban

25 aug 2023

Decided Case


Expulsion of homicide offender with no ties to other countries

Homicide offender expelled although he had no ties to other countries

27 jun 2023

Decided Case


No basis for hearing in camera

Information available in the case did not justify an order for hearing in camera

09 maj 2023

Decided Case


Permanent expulsion

T, who had been sentenced to imprisonment for six years for serious drug offences, was expelled with a permanent entry ban

13 apr 2023

Decided Case


No time limit for completion of extradition investigation

Courts did not have authority to fix a time limit for the Public Prosecutor’s extradition investigation

21 feb 2023

Decided Case


Parental contact case remitted to the family court

Parental contact case between a force adopted child and its biological parents remitted for reconsideration to the family court

16 feb 2023

Decided Case


Expulsion decision repealed

Decision to expel T repealed in accordance with the Aliens Act and the Human Rights Convention

15 feb 2023

Decided Case


Agent operation and sentencing for attempted weapons possession

Agent operation not in contravention of the prohibition of incitement

05 jan 2023

Decided Case


Sentence for illegal possession of firearms

Increased sentence and permanent expulsion for illegal possession of firearms under particularly aggravating circumstances

13 dec 2022

Decided Case


Rejection of application for residence permit was lawful

The Immigration Appeals Board’s refusal of family reunification was lawful

01 dec 2022

Decided Case


Judicial review of deprivation of liberty at psychiatry centre

Courts could also review deprivation of liberty before and after the period considered by appeals board

11 okt 2022

Decided Case


Expulsion revoked

T, who had been convicted of attempted murder, but was exempt from punishment due to mental illness, could not be expelled