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27 apr 2021

Decided Case


Detainment upheld

Continuing detention order upheld on the information before the Court did not amount to infringement of the European Convention on Human Rights

21 apr 2021

Decided Case


The Danish State’s obligation to investigate and ...

Claim for compensation due to alleged assaults in Iraq was time-barred, and the Ministry of Defence had no duty to perform further investigations

26 mar 2021

Decided Case


Reporting duty

Reporting duty not in contravention of the European Convention on Human Rights

10 mar 2021

Decided Case


Release of child for non-consensual adoption

The National Social Appeals Board’s decision to release a child for adoption was lawful and not in contravention of the ECHR

08 mar 2021

Decided Case


Refusal of adoption after payment of surrogate mother

A was refused step-parent adoption of children on the grounds that their surrogate mother had been paid to consent to adoption

04 feb 2021

Decided Case


Physical restraint in contravention ...

Physical restraint for nine months amounted to an infringement of Article 3 of the European Convention on Human Rights

22 jan 2021

Decided Case


Breach of the code of conduct for solicitors

Solicitor A fined for breach of the code of conduct for solicitors, and no basis for reducing the penalty on the grounds of the long processing time in the...

22 jan 2021

Decided Case


Detention in contact case

Detaining a mother who refused to disclose her daughter's whereabouts and hand her over for contact was lawful

22 jan 2021

Decided Case


Rejection of appeal due to late submission of appeal bundle

Failure to submit appeal bundle led to rejection of appeal

26 nov 2020

Decided Case


Pre-trial detention not a disproportionate measure

Pre-trial detention after fifth violation of reporting duty was not a disproportionate measure

03 nov 2020

Decided Case


Judicial review of readmission

No right to judicial review of readmission decision made in accordance with sentence to psychiatric treatment

05 okt 2020

Decided Case


Fine issued to photo journalist after traffic accident

Photo journalist fined for being inside a police cordon and refusing to obey orders to move