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23 sep 2020

Decided Case


Sentence and expulsion

T sentenced to eight months in prison for aggravated violence, extortion and attempted duress and expelled from Denmark with a six-year entry ban

12 aug 2020

Decided Case


Annulment or change of preventive detention sentence

The rights of a person sentenced to secure detention had been infringed under the European Convention on Human Rights, but this could not lead...

23 jun 2020

Decided Case


Not sufficiently clear legal basis to uphold parking ticket

Not sufficiently clear legal basis to uphold parking ticket, as it had been documented that the parking charge had been paid

28 maj 2020

Decided Case


Alleged inadequate interpretation in case concerning extension of pre-trial detention

Pre-trial detention pending judgment could be extended despite alleged inadequate interpretation in previous extension hearings

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Sentencing and expulsion in case concerning aggravated violence

Aggravated violence punished with a concurrent sentence of imprisonment for 15 months and expulsion with a 12-year entry ban not in contravention of Denmar...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Extension of pre-trial detention justified

The conditions for extending pre-trial detention of a suspect in a case concerning serious tax and VAT fraud were met

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Sentencing and expulsion in case concerning threats against police officer

Threats of violence against police officer on duty punished with imprisonment for three months, and expulsion with a six-year entry ban not in contraventio...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Withdrawal of Danish citizenship and expulsion

Foreign fighter, who had been sentenced to four years in prison, had his Danish citizenship withdrawn and was expelled with a permanent entry ban

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion in case concerning aggravated violence

Aggravated violence punished with imprisonment for six months and expulsion with a six-year entry ban not in contravention of Denmark’s international oblig...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Uber drivers sentenced to fines

Uber drivers sentenced to fines for violation of taxi legislation etc.

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Refusal to grant permission for import of wine not in contravention of Article 9 ECHR

Ministry’s refusal to grant permission for the import of ayahuasca wine was not in contravention of Article 9 of the European Human Rights Convention

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


On compensation for stateless Palestinians

Stateless Palestinians who had originally been refused Danish citizenship in contravention of Denmark’s international obligations were not entitled to addi...