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14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion in case concerning witness intimidation and blackmail

Expulsion with a six-year entry ban not in contravention of Denmark's international obligations

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Anonymous witness

Witness could be heard anonymously in a case involving illegal possession of firearms under particularly aggravating circumstances

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Community service and suspended expulsion for involuntary manslaughter

T was sentenced to community service and suspended expulsion for involuntary manslaughter while driving with serious disregard for road safety

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion in rape case

Cambodian citizen expelled with a permanent entry ban after having committed rape

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


No infringement of the European Human Rights Convention

The Municipality was not liable to two girls who had been victims of sexual offences

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Police intervention constituted lawful detention

A street party developed into disturbance when bottles and fireworks were thrown at the police. Police intervention against the participants constituted la...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Violation of reporting duty

Violation of reporting duty

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Right to vote for Danish Parliament

Not in contravention of the Constitution or Denmark's international obligations to strip people who have been deprived of their legal capacity under the Gu...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Withdrawal of Danish citizenship and expulsion

Foreign fighter sentenced to six years in prison, withdrawal of Danish citizenship and expulsion with permanent entry ban

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Refusal of family reunification not in contravention of the European Human Rights Convention

It was not in contravention of the European Human Rights Convention that a Syrian man with temporary protection status in Denmark had to wait three years f...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Unsuspended prison sentence for aiding an alien’s unlawful entry into Denmark

Unsuspended 30-day prison sentence for aiding an alien’s unlawful entry into Denmark

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


No compensation for residence and reporting duty at the Sandholm refugee centre

No compensation payable for residence and reporting duty which was held to be a disproportionate interference with an alien's freedom of movement in contra...