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14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion for attempted murder

Turkish citizen expelled with a permanent entry ban after attempted murder

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Extradition decisions set aside

The Danish Ministry of Justice's decisions on extradition for prosecution in Romania set aside for not meeting the conditions of the Extradition Act

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Extradition decision set aside

The Danish Ministry of Justice's decision on extradition for enforcement Romania set aside for not meeting the conditions of the Extradition Act

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Refusal of application for citizenship did not amount to discrimination

Refusal of application for citizenship and exemption from the Danish language requirement did not amount to discrimination on the grounds of disability.

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Same-sex marriage

Are the rules on same-sex marriage in contravention of the Danish Constitution?

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion in case of attempted home invasion robbery

Somali citizen expelled with a permanent entry ban after attempted home invasion robbery

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Expulsion in case of attempted home invasion robbery

Turkish citizen expelled with a permanent entry ban after attempted home invasion robbery

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


New opinion on prison conditions to be obtained in extradition procedure

The Prosecution Service to obtain a new opinion on the prison conditions in Romania before the Supreme Court's final decision on a request for extradition ...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


New opinion on prison conditions to be obtained in extradition procedure

The Prosecution Service to obtain a new opinion on the prison conditions in Romania before the Supreme Court's final decision on a request for extradition ...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Unlawful physical restraint

Determination of compensation for unlawful physical restraint

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Costs in criminal case under Section 1008 of the Administration of Justice Act

An offender was liable for the defence counsel’s expenses under Section 1008(1) of the Danish Administration of Justice Act, and there was no basis for ass...

14 maj 2020

Decided Case


Breach of residence and reporting duty by alien

Breach of residence and reporting duty by alien